LATTICE WORK is a participatory sculpture project combining elements of simplicity, community, and scale, to give people the hands-on experience of creating a large crystalline structure from nothing more than recycled 8 1/2×11 printer paper and scotch tape. LATTICE WORK engages people of all ages and abilities in a communal and creative effort. LATTICE WORK participants gather in a comfortable, conversational space to construct the fundamental building blocks. They roll and tape the paper into tubes; the magic begins when six tubes are joined at the ends to form a tetrahedral pyramid. As the work progresses, each pyramid finds its place in the growing crystal structure, which expands quickly into a large geometric array whose size is limited only by the space in which it is built. LATTICE WORK is an homage in equal parts to Buckminster Fuller and to the early American quilting bee; to rigorous mathematical thought and to the convivial pleasure of craft.

LATTICE WORK began when Morgan was hanging out with our (then) 9 year old nephew. Wanting to do an activity that didn’t involve playing videogames or watching television, they started experimenting with paper and tape. Soon they had a pile of paper tubes which they constructed into tetrahedrons, eventually connecting them to form a 4 foot tall pyramid. Thank you Bennett for your original inspiration & creativity!

Crissy and Morgan Liu-Packard are a husband and wife team whose interests and experience include modern dance, computer programming, visual art, electronic music, gerontology and community-building. Their aesthetics are inspired by the coherence of systems and structures, the strengths inherent in the networks of relationship and community and the elegant power of simplicity. They love sharing the joy of making good things happen in the real world.